Sunday, March 30, 2014

The Fly

The Fly Dir: David Cronenberg Performed by: Jeff Goldblum, Geena Davis and John Getz. Flim 1986.

Seth Brundle, a  scientist attempts to woo investigative journalist Veronica Quaife by offering her a scoop on his latest research in the field of matter transportation, which against all the expectations of the scientific establishment have proved successful. Up to a point. Brundle thinks he has ironed out the last problem when he successfully transports a living creature, but when he attempts to teleport himself a fly enters one of the transmission booths, and Brundle finds he is a changed man. Seth enjoys the transformation. He's able to do things that most humans aren't physically able to do. His girlfriend Veronica also enjoys the changes in Seth until his physical changes are more apparent. She is not only scared of the changes but disgusted. The YouTube clip shows the final scene of Veronica no longer able to tolerate Seth or what's left of him. 

No silver lining for Gregor

Quick, Mathew Silver Linings Playbook 2008. Print

Silver Linings Playbook tells the story of of a man named Pat Peoples who struggles with bipolar disorder. After spending a few years in a psychiatric hospital, Pat moves back in with his parents and spends the majority of his time working out and plotting on how he will get his estranged wife back. While living with his parents, Pat struggles with controlling his anger and his family has a hard time adjusting to their son as well. Pat's father wants him out of the house because he finds his son to be more of a nuisance. Pat's older brother and his closest friends make fun of him because his condition. Nobody in the story seems to accept Pat's condition.   Like Pat's family, the Samsa's can't comprehend Gregor's transformation.

Going through Changes

Matters, Marshall. "Going through changes" Recovery 2010.

Eminem describes overeating, daytime napping, pill-addiction, and sorrow at the loss of his friend. 
He ends with a note of love and empathy for his ex wife.
The hook is a sample of Ozzy Osbourne’s "Changes."

Even though the artist isn't talking about going through a physical change, I chose this song because of the way he describes his emotional and behavioral changes. Gregor also has emotional changes. He misses spending time with his sister, misses the love of this mother but he doesn't receive those things because they're afraid that Gregor is no longer himself. Throughout the metamorphosis, Gregor has these weird behavioral changes. He crawls on walls, and hides in dark places like an insect. I think this song captures the emotional vibe that Gregor was going through before his inevitable death.

I'm going through changes
I'm going through changes

[Verse 1]
Lately I really, feel like I'm rolling for Delph like Philly
Feel like I'm losing control of myself, I sincerely
Apologize if all that I sound like is I'm complaining
But life keeps on complicating, and

I'm debating on leaving this world this evening
Even my girls can see I'm grieving, I try and hide it but I can't

Why do I act like I'm all high and mighty
When inside, I'm dying,
I am finally realizing I need help
I can't do it by myself, too weak

2 weeks I've been having ups and downs
Going through peaks and valleys
, dilly dallying
Around with the idea, of ending the shit right here
I'm hatin my reflection, I walk around the house tryna fight mirrors
I can't stand what I look like, yeah, I look fat, but what do I care?
I give a fuck, only thing I fear, is Hailie
I'm afraid if I close my eyes I might see her..shit


[Verse 2]
I lock myself in the bedroom, bathroom, napping at noon
Yeah dad's in a bad mood, he's always snapping at you
Marshall what happened that you, you can't stop with these pills

And you've fallen off with your skills, and your own fans are laughing at you
It become a problem you're too pussy to tackle, get up
Be a man, stand, a real man would've had this shit handled
Know you just had your heart ripped out and crushed
They say Proof just flipped out, homie just whipped out and bust
Nah, it ain't like Doody to do that
He wouldn't fuckin' shoot at, no-body, he fights first

But dwelling on it only makes the night worse
Now I'm popping Vics, Percs and Methadone pills
"Yeah Em, tight verse, you killed it"
Fucking drug dealers hang around me like yes men
And they gonna do whatever I says when, I says it
It's in their best interest to protect their investment

And I just lost my fuckin' best friend, so fuck it, I guess then:


[Verse 3]
My friends can't understand this new me
That's understandable man
, but think how bananas you'd be
You'd be an animal too
If you were trapped in this fame and caged in it like a zoo

And everybody's looking at you, what you want me to do?
I'm starting to live like a recluse and the truth is
Fame starting to give me an excuse, to be at an all time low
I sit alone in my home theater, watching the same damn DVD
Of the first tour, the last tour, he was still alive
And it hurt sore, fast forward, sleeping pills'll make me feel alright

And if I'm still awake in the middle of the night
I just take a couple more, yeah you're motherfuckin right
I ain't slowing down for no one, I am almost homeward bound
Almost in a coma, yeah homie come on, dole em out

"Daddy, don't you die on me, Daddy, better hold your ground"
Fuck, don't I know the sound of that voice
Yeah baby hold me down


[Verse 4]
Wake up in the hospital, full of tubes, but somehow I'm pulling through
Swear when I come back I'mma be bulletproof
I'mma do it just for Proof,
I think I should state a few
Facts, cause I may not get a chance again to say the truth

Shit it just hit me that what if I would not have made it through
I think about the things I would never got to say to you

I'd never get to make it right, so here's what I came to do
Hailie this one is for you, Whitney and Alaina too
I still love your mother, that'll never change

Think about her every day, we just could never get it together
Hey, wish there was a better way, for me to say it
But I swear on everything, I'd do anything for her on any day

There are just too many things to explain
When it rains guess it pours, yes it does
Wish there wasn't any pain, but I can't pretend there ain't
I ain't placing any blame, I ain't pointing fingers
Heaven knows I've never been a saint
I know it just feels like we just pissed away our history
And just today, I looked at your picture, almost hate to say
I miss you sub consciously, wish it didn't end this way

But I just had to get away, don't know why
I don't know what else to say, I guess I'm

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Dallas Museum of Art


Apologies about this one, but I saw this painting at the Dallas Museum of Art and I forgot to write down the information about this painting.When I saw the painting, I knew it would fit for the perception theme. In the painting there's a young lady sitting next to a bird man (no pun intended) at a party sipping wine. Then there's the photographer capturing the two patrons having a conversation. What really stands out is the confidence that bird man exudes. His posture is straight, and he seems interested in the woman but also photogenic. Now to be fair, he still has the body of a human but I get the sense that he's comfortable for what he is. After reading "The Metamorphosis," I got the sense that Gregor was never a confident man before the transformation. He seemed worrisome and he didn't want to disappoint family.

The Metamorphosis

Perception is reality

Kafka, Franz "The Metamorphosis"

"The Metamorphosis" protagonist Gregor Samsa wakes up with a new body, he becomes an insect.  Gregor panics but not because he's an insect, but that he's late for work. Gregor is a salesman, using his income to support his family. Gregor's boss shows up to the Samsa's home and sees Gregor's transformation. His boss panics and so does his family but not for the same reasons as his boss, especially the father. The father is concerned about how will Gregor make ends meet and the mother still gives her son perishable food to eat. Throughout the story, Samsa family ignores or try to pretend Gregor's transformation is a farce until he dies. 

The Theme: Gregor’s transformation completely alters his outward appearance, but it leaves his mind unchanged, creating a discord, or lack of harmony, between his mind and body. When he first gets out of his bed after waking, for instance, he tries to stand upright, even though his body is not suited to being upright. He also thinks of going to work, despite the fact that he can’t by any means do so, and when Grete leaves him the milk at the beginning of Part 2, he is surprised to find he doesn’t like it, even though milk was a favorite drink when he was human. In essence, he continues to think with a human mind, but because his body is no longer human, he is unable at first to reconcile these two parts of himself.